A Hobbit

Hello, Reader!

My name is Monika and I am a person on the internet. Why should you care? I don’t know. Maybe you shouldn’t. But, if you are anything like me, and you happen to live in the sticks, you might find yourself with a lack of people to connect with and so you use the internet to find others like you.  So, what do we have in common? I suppose you won’t know until I give you something a little less vague and cliche.

Surprise! This is my first blog ever. I hate boiling myself down to a few key points, but, if it matters, I’m a Pisces and I feel like I’m all over the map sometimes. I am 26 and I live in Georgia, but I am from Massachusetts. I joined the military when I was 18 and that took me to California, where I lived for 4 years before moving here. I’m a nanny and also in school studying accounting. My favorite pastime is makeup. I love playing with makeup and I dabble in special effects, which you will, no doubt, see if you stick around. I also love horror, dark comedies, and reading. I always ask for books on Christmas, and the first one I ever got was Stephen King’s “Salem’s Lot”. I am one cat away from being a certified cat lady. I am always behind on popular television because I didn’t bother to keep a TV in the house until a year ago. Star Trek over Star Wars, Picard over Kirk.

If you follow along, you’ll probably hear a lot about makeup, food, books, and horror movies. I’ll throw in a few daily thoughts if I think they may be useful to you. This will be a sort of diary, one that I won’t have to throw in the bonfire after someone finds the key.

Lots of love,




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